Say "Cheese!"

09 June 2003

On the road again: Shih-Ya Huang has improved her national ranking after winning gold at the recent Natal Fencing Open.

As grand finale to the fourth annual cheese-making competition of the Department of Molecular and Cell Biology's course on food technology, students and staff last week got to tuck into the goodies and select their Derby - the first cheese in the UK to be made in a factory - of choice. Introduced by Dr Sagadevan Mundree, the contest is part fun, part science lesson, as students are required to make cheeses that are then put to the test at a tasting event, attended by staff members, both in the department and beyond, who act as adjudicators. "Judges" are expected to savour about 17 cheeses each during the event.

Here lecturer Dr Shez Reid, flanked by students Shaan Corie (left) and Faith Kindor, puts a piece through the body and texture test.

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Monday Monthly

Volume 22 Edition 15

02 Jun 2003

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