Statement by the University Council

09 November 2015 | Story by Newsroom

Statement by the University Council

Rumours are circulating at UCT that as soon as exams are finished, outsourced workers will be victimised, dismissed and negatively treated in other ways. This is not true.

The UCT Council wants to state clearly that:

  • UCT has decided to insource the six outsourced services currently managed by C3, G4S, Metro, Sibanye, Supercare, and Turfworks.
  • There will be no retrenchments between now and the date of insourcing, and all workers who are employed by these companies at UCT will be offered jobs by UCT when the services are insourced.
  • All workers who become employees of UCT will be entitled to standard UCT benefits, such as medical aid, provident fund and fee rates according to standard UCT rules.
  • All jobs will be graded according to the UCT grading system and paid according to the standard UCT payscales.

UCT management has already given the following deadlines for insourcing:

  • G4S: 30 June 2016
  • Turfworks: 31 August 2016
  • Sibanye: 31 December 2016 (but depends on bus procurement and agreement with taxi association)
  • Supercare: 30 June 2017
  • Metro: 31 December 2016
  • C3: 2019

The timetable shows the latest date at which each of the services will be insourced. The timetable is based on the timing of the contracts that UCT has with each of the companies.

Some of the other details of the insourcing must still be worked out. This must be done in a way that ensures that the insourcing happens smoothly, in a way that benefits workers and also ensures that services are delivered to the University community. The other details will be worked out together with the workers so that the process can happen smoothly and the rights of workers are protected.

Archbishop NWH Ndungane
Chair of the Council

Ingxelo eyenziwa liBhunga leYunivesithi

Kuthe saa amarhe apha e-UCT athi nje ukuba kugqitywe ukubhalwa kweemviwo, baza kuxhatshazwa, bagxothwe baze baphathwe kakubi abasebenzi abaze ngeenkampani zabucala. Oku akuyonyaniso.

IBhunga lase-UCT lifuna ukuyibeka icace into yokokuba:

  • I-UCT igqibe ekubeni ibaqashe phantsi kwayo bonke abasebenzi abaqashwe ziinkampani zabucala esiziqashileyo kungoku nje siyiyunivesithi ezizezi; iC3, iG4S, iMetro, iSibanye, iSupercare, neTurfworks.
  • Akusayi kuphungulwa basebenzi ukusukela ngoku ukuya kutsho ngomhla kuqashwa yiyunivesithi, kwaye bonke abasebenzi abaqashwe zezi nkampani e-UCT baza kunikwa imisebenzi yi-UCT xa ezi nkonzo zifakwa phantsi kweyunivesithi.
  • Bonke abasebenzi abathi baqashwe yi-UCT baza kukulungela ukuzuza okufanelekileyo kwiinzuzo ezikhutshwa yi-UCT, ezifana nelungiselelo lezonyango (medical aid), ingxowa-mali yesibonelelo (provident fund) kunye nemilinganiselo yemirhumo (fee rates) ngokwemigangatho yemithetho ye-UCT.
  • Yonke imisebenzi iza kulinganiselwa ngokwenkqubo yokulinganisela imisebenzi yase-UCT kwaye umntu ahlawulwe ngokwemigangatho yokuhlawulwa yase-UCT.

Abaphathi base-UCT sele bezibekele le mihla ilandelayo yamanqam okuqalisa ukuqasha abasebenzi bezi nkampani phantsi kwayo:

  • I-G4S: 30 kweyeSilimela (uJuni) 2016.
  • I-Turfworks: 31 kweyeThupha (uAgasti) 2016.
  • ISibanye: 31 kweyoMnga (uDisemba) 2016 (kodwa oku kuxhomekeke ekufumanekeni kweebhasi nakwisivumelwano nemanyano yeeteksi)
  • ISupercare: 30 kweyeSilimela (uJuni) 2017.
  • IMetro: 31 kweyoMnga (uDisemba) 2016.
  • I-C3: ngo-2019.
Itheyibhuli yamaxesha ibonisa umhla wamva nje wokuqaliswa kokuqashwa kwabasebenzi phantsi kweyunivesithi. La maxesha asekelwe kwixesha lokuphela kwesivumelwano sengqesho phakathi kwe-UCT nenkampani nganye.


Ezinye iinkcukacha zokwenziwa koku kusafuneka ziconjululwe. Oku kufanele kwenziwe ngendlela eqinisekisa ukuba oku kwenziwa ngaphandle kwamagingxigingxi, ngendlela eyenza bazuze ngayo abasebenzi kwaye iqinisekise ukuba uluntu lweYunivesithi luyazifumana iinkonzo. Ezinye iinkcukacha ziza kuconjululwa kunye nabasebenzi ukuze konke oku kwenzeke ngaphandle kwamagingxigingxi kwaye akhuseleke namalungelo abasebenzi.

UBhishoph' omkhulu NWH Ndungane
USihlalo weBhunga

Verklaring deur die Universiteitsraad

Gerugte word by die UK versprei dat sodra die eksamens afgehandel is, uitgekontrakteerde werkers geviktimiseer, afgedank en op ander maniere swak behandel sal word. Dit is nie waar nie.

Die UK se Raad wil dit duidelik stel dat:

  • Die UK besluit het om die ses uitgekontrakteerde dienste wat tans deur C3, G4S, Metro, Sibanye, Supercare en Turfworks bestuur word, in te kontrakteer.
  • Daar sal geen afdankings wees tussen nou en die datum van inkontraktering nie, en alle werkers wat deur hierdie maatskappye by die UK aangewend word, sal deur die UK werk aangebied word wanneer hierdie dienste ingekontrakteer word.
  • Alle werkers wat werknemers van die UK word, sal geregtig wees op die standaardvoordele van die UK, soos mediese hulp, lidmaatskap van 'n voorsorgfonds en fooie volgens die UK se standaardreëls.
  • Alle poste sal volgens die UK se graderingstelsel gegradeer word en betaling sal volgens die UK se standaard-vergoedingskale geskied.
UK se bestuur het reeds die volgende spertye vir inkontraktering vasgestel:
  • G4S: 30 Junie 2016.
  • Turfworks: 31 Augustus 2016.
  • Sibanye: 31 Desember 2016 (maar hang van busreëlings en ooreenkoms met taxi-vereniging af).
  • Supercare: 30 Junie 2017.
  • Metro: 31 Desember 2016.
  • C3: 2019.
Die tydrooster toon die laatste datum waarop elk van hierdie dienste ingekontrakteer sal word. Die rooster is gegrond op die tydvasstelling van die kontrakte wat die UK met elk van die maatskappye het.

Sommige van die ander besonderhede van die inkontraktering moet nog uitgewerk word. Dit moet so gedoen word dat seker gemaak word die inkontraktering verloop glad, dat dit werkers bevoordeel en dat dienste aan die universiteitsgemeenskap gelewer word. Die ander besonderhede sal saam met werkers uitgewerk word sodat die proses glad kan verloop en die regte van werkers beskerm word.

Aartsbiskop NWH Ndungane



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